viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014

Lessons From Uncertainty

In a society that values safety, security, and predictability, it is interesting to watch the various ways people react to the uncertainty that they now find themselves in. Students no longer go off to school with a guarantee of employment upon graduation, people who have worked the same job for twenty years are being laid off, the economy is shifting underneath our feet, and most people have no idea where they will be in five years, let alone if and when they retire.
Like most people, I find the idea of stepping out into the “great unknown” terrifying. Uncertainty is not something that I particularly enjoy, however, I am discovering that hidden within in every situation that warrants stress, there are a million lessons to learn about ourselves. St. Paul talks about finding true contentment in every season of life (from Philippians 4:11-13 in the Christian Bible), so that whether the sun is shining or the rain is pouring, we can have something unshakable deep within. One day, I want to know that peace and joy for myself, so to that end, I will work to align my center with the heart of GOD.
I believe that we will find inner strength when we engage regularly in spiritual practices that draw us closer to the Divine and transform us into the likeness of Jesus Christ. If your future is full of question marks, join the club and embrace that which can sustain us through life’s every change.

“Let us be among those who believe that the inner transformation
of our lives is a goal worthy of our best effort”
– Richard Foster

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