viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014

Creativity and personality

The creative person is one who has faith, which has the capacity to believe, to be passionate about life and what it does. They are persevering, and facing the frustrations is the way forward; searching for the meaning of things, learning why and what leaves you either in the positive or the negative. Believe in life and transcendence. He cares and takes care of his being and of others; has a sense of life.
It is taking advantage of its potential and energy to live and create a being; becomes aware time, the here and now that he is finite and the commitment to with himself and with others.
Another feature of a creative person is the ability to combinations and create original short, the ability to associate and take ideas from a place and another. creative person is alert to the new. Sternberg describes people creative and grouped into three general categories: 2
1. cognitive characteristics. They are based on knowledge.
2 Personality 'and motivational qualities. They rely on their talents.
3 Events or special experiences during development. It based on the social, cultural, economic and religious environment.
Creativity researchers assert that there are very creative people in uncreative in mathematics and poetry. This means that dominate an area more and the other based on their domain knowledge to generate new ideas.
  Barron, Gardner, Taylor, Stemberg, Torrance and Weisberg, among others, claim that the characteristics of creative people are:
"Verbal fluency." High intelligence.
"Good imagination, creativity in a domain.
"They think metaphorically.
"They use images.
"They are flexible and skillfully decision.
"They make judgments.
"They are independent.

"They are attentive to the news. Logical thinking.

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